
The Mereo Way


A Paradigm Shift - Power Back to True Fans!


Product Overview

Smart Ticketing Platform

Community Engagement Hub




Quick Start Guide to Mereo (For Event Hosts)


Brand Kit

Ticketing systems have evolved from simple information dissemination in Web1.0 to interactive and user-friendly platforms in Web2.0, and are now moving towards decentralization with secure and transparent processes in Web3.0. Each stage offers unique benefits and challenges, reflecting the broader evolution of the internet itself.

Web1.0: The Static Web

Web1.0 refers to the early stage of the Internet, predominantly characterized by static websites that were more about providing information than interactive experiences. Ticketing systems in this era were often just informational.

Ticketing Systems: During the Web1.0 era, ticketing was mainly handled through physical outlets or over the phone. Websites were used to provide information on events, schedules, and prices but rarely offered online booking capabilities. Consumers would have to visit an office or call a hotline to make a booking and receive a physical ticket.

Web2.0: The Social Web

Web2.0 introduced a more interactive and social web, emphasizing user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end-users. Ticketing in shis era saw the rise of online services, e-commerce, and social networking.

Ticketing Systems: In the Web2.0 era, ticketing systems became more sophisticated and user-friendly. Online ticketing platforms emerged, allowing users to purchase tickets directly from websites or mobile apps. These systems offered features like:


Web3.0: The Decentralized Web

Web3.0 is characterized by decentralization, using blockchain technology to create a more open and secure internet. This iteration aims to return ownership and control over data back to users.

Ticketing Systems: In the Web3.0 era, ticketing systems are being revolutionized through the use of blockchain technology, offering several advantages over traditional systems:

  1. Technological
  1. Asset Ownership
  1. Data Ownership